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Hillary’s Email Investigation

“ Clinton became Secretary of State on January 21, 2009, and she stepped down on February 1st, 2013. On March 15th of the same year, her private email account was exposed. A hacker called “Guccifer” accessed the account of a former aide of Bill Clinton, Sidney Blumenthal, and the exposure revealed that Clinton had communicated with […]

Cyberthreat maps

This map can give you an idea of what is happening in the world as you are taking the initiative to make it a better place!   Links to other visualizations of worldwide cyberthreat activity: FireEye Cyber Threat Map, FireEye, Inc. Cyberthreat Real-Time Map, Kaspersky Lab Digital Attack Map, Arbor Networks Norse Corporation

5 Computer Forensics Resources and Tools

Digital Forensics Research Workshops. This site contains forensics conference papers, yearly forensics challenges and other information since 2001. Open Memory Forensics Workshop (OMFW) of The Volatility Foundation. The Volatility Foundation was established to promote the use of Volatility and memory analysis within the forensics community, defend the project’s intellectual property and longevity, and to help advance […]

SPAM: how everything started

SPAM: how everything started

  The year was 1994. The Internet was young and there were a lot of clever people trying to figure out what to do with this new medium and exploring the possibilities that it opened up. In particular, there was a pair of attorneys in Arizona, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel, who came up with […]

Astrobiology links

Blogs and Websites: Bad Astronomy – Astronomer Phil Plait discusses new discoveries in astronomy, as well as countering common misconceptions. Many beautiful images, with full explanations. Highly recommended. Slacker Astronomy – A blog (previously a podcast) about recent news in astronomy. The Planet Hunters Blog, part of a “citizen science” effort to identify transiting planets in the Kepler […]

It is software eating the world?

What is the world’s largest taxi company? UBER and it owns no vehicles. What is the world’s most popular media company? Facebook and it doesn’t create any content. What about the most valuable retailer? Ali Baba, the Chinese e-commerce giant which has no inventory. Similarly Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodations provider which owns no real estate. […]