Daniele Davi'

CSS Dev Conference 2013 is arriving

The first edition of the conference devoted solely to CSS, the design language of the Web was in the beach in Honolulu, Hawaii with 20 CSS Experts, 4 Tracks, 2 Keynotes.

One Big Kahuna of a Day

The second edition (this year on October 21-23, 2013) promises impressive amount of knowledge with the background of the Rocky Mountains near Denver, Colorado.

The claim could be “One Big Dude of a day”.

A great line-up of over 25 internationally recognized educators and industry leaders that includes Nicole Sullivan, Chris Coyier,  Estelle Weyl, Wendee Fiorillo, Jonathan Snook, Tomomi Imura and more!

Here all the info: http://2013.cssdevconf.com/index.html