Daniele Davi'

Is your team doing Scrum?

There many tools and checklists to verify wether your team is doing Scrum and how good (or or bad or ugly) is implementing it. If you are a Scrum Master, self-assessing the following statements from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) can help you to make a reality check and compare results with your team feedback.

  1. The results of Team retrospectives are actionable.
  2. My team utilizes end user feedback to determine whether features have delivered value or not.
  3. I coach the team to practice the agile mindset based on agile values and principles.
  4. I assist the team with creating effective user stories.
  5. The team interacts in a respectful way
  6. The team members have courage to do the right thing and work on tough problems.
  7. The team members personally commit to achieving the goals of the Sprint.
  8. My team limits work in progress .
  9. The team is aware of the product vision and direction.
  10. I work with the product owner to ensure high level objectives are set and explain to the team.
  11. The team acts on at least one retrospective feedback item during the next planned iteration.
  12. The team maintains a steady rate of productivity without being overworked or incurring a necessary technical debts.
  13. The scrum team as a shared understanding of the Sprint goal.
  14. If I’m gone or on vacation, my team is effective without me.
  15. The team is able to swarm when necessary to help complete the remaining deliverables within an iteration.
  16. The scrum team is adept at recognising and dealing with impediments.
  17. The team members communicate in high-bandwidth manner without undue interference.
  18. I work with the team to ensure the product backlog is prioritised in a way which produced the highest value outcome.
  19. I actually engage with other stakeholders of the organisation to help remove team impediments.
  20. I provide coaching for the team helping them to do the best work. They possibly can.
  21. I look for new areas in the organisation where scrum can be applied.
  22. I find ways to inform stakeholders about the scrum framework, they roles and expectations.
  23. I regularly collaborate with others to share better ways of working.
  24. I have a good working relationship with the team.
  25. I encourage my team to improve continuously.
  26. The whole team knows what they want to achieve for the day at the end of each stand up.
  27. Stand-up meetings are effective at synchronising work.
  28. Stand up happens, even when the product owner and the Scrum Master are not there.
  29. The team gets meaningful feedback about the product during the Sprint review.
  30. The release plan and or product roadmap are discussed during the Sprint review.
  31. Sprint retrospective is a safe space
  32. Facilitation of the Sprint retrospective is a shared responsibility.
  33. The Sprint duration in calendar days does not change based on the number of working days
  34. The team holds retrospective meetings at the end of each iteration in which they evaluate how they are doing and discuss how to get better.
  35. In my team all scrum events are facilitated effectively, even when I’m not present.
  36. The team and stakeholders can openly discuss challenges by having visibility of the Sprint and the product backlog at all times.
  37. The whole team understand the work to be implemented after the planning session.
  38. The team consistently adheres to its Definition of Done. 
  39. The scrum team is happy and proud of the work delivered.
  40. The team satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.